Saturday, December 4
As I've said before every Saturday at Barnes & Noble there is a Childrens Book reading. This Saturday they were having a breakfast with Santa. It was really nice. Santa sang some songs, read a book, samg some more songs, then the kids were able to sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. I kept telling my self all morning don't forget the camera, don't forget the camera, I forgot my camera (smacks herself in the head).
It was a beautiful sunset tonight, I wish I had my camera with me, maybe I should just make it a habit to keep my camera in my bag. Blues and Rich Purples Oranges and Pinks
Saturday, November 13
Fun Filled Day
James and I went to Barnes & Noble for their 11am kids reading, we got there 5 after and it was already over. :( We stayed for a little while picked out some books then went on to the next endevor. We went to The Howell Living History Farm. I've never been there before but I saw a flyer about it, they have activities every saturday for kids. We first went to the craft room where Jimmy made a broom, then we walked around the farm looking at the buildings, the sheep, hogs, & horses. Then we went into a house where you can buy food. I had apple cider and harvest chicken which was like a pot pie but better, Jimmy just had a sandiwch. Then we drove down the road to the other part of the farm where they were having a Corn Harvest where the kids can pick corn, husk it the grind it up and it gets donated to something, endangered animals? (I can't remamber). They had a Corn Maze which we did, we had fun running around in the corn, and they were having a demonstration about some endangered birds. It was really fun and interesting, James had a blast. We're both exhausted.
Sunday, October 31
Happy Halloween !
Yesterday at the firehouse across the street they had a Halloween Party for kids from 11-3 with hay rides, fire truck rides, the had some games, coloring, a dj w/dancing, food 'n snacks, and a goody bag for the kids. It was fun Jimmy liked it.
Today we hung out at home getting ready for Halloween, took a trip to Target to get candy. Jimmy was the Hulk, This Halloween was a lot of fun for Jimmy he was really into it running up to doors all by himself, saying trick or treat, and saying thank you to everybody he had a blast :)
The thing that peeves me is older kids don't even bother to dress up anymore. Not like I'm that old or anything but when I went trick or treating I may not have bought a costume, but I still made a little effort. And just as we were coming home, four older boys saw the bowl of candy I left out, 2 of them were decent and took 2 pieces each, the other two decided to grab the bowl and empty it into their bags (one of the other two tried to stop them), as I yelled hey that's my house drop the bowl! they took off and probably crapped themselves. They dropped the bowl since the other boy was trying to prevent them from doing it and dumped the candy all over the place. One of the decent kids stayed and apologized for them and helped me to clean it up.
I got an email from my cousin John's wife asking if I wanted join her and some friends for dinner Monday night at this place in Freehold that apparently is dinner and a visit with a psychic which sounds pretty cool and intriguing. So, after I get out of work tomorrow at 6 I'm gonna rush to Freehold for our 6:45 dinner. I wonder what hokey things I'll hear tomorrow??
Thursday, October 28
I'm going to Jail
I got the coolest phone call at work today.
"Hello may I speak with Janine."
"This is."
"Someone has acussed you of having a big heart, and we have a warrent for you arrest for the MDA Lockup."
Muscular Dystrophy Assoc. has the fund raiser where you have to raise money for bail.
The lady went on to say that (If I want to participate of course) I would be arrested on Dec 16 and sent to Jail, They're gonna come to my office to arrest me and bring me in a limo to Jonathans Grill in Jamesburg for jail/lunch and they'll bring me back to work after. I'm gonna do it its for a good cause and it sounds fun. It costs $600 per child to send them to the camp I think she said, they're mailing me the info. and they'd like me to try to raise enough for 3 kids to go. I asked who my acussor was? "I'm sorry they're in witness protection and may be revealed to on Dec 16th"
The conversation was so funny she used every term possible in the realm, I was laughing through the whole phone call.
So if anyone would like to mail me a check as their charitable donation I'd really appreciate it. If you need my address leave a comment with your email address and I'll send it to you.
Saturday, October 23
Friday Night Pick Me (Lisa) Up
I took Lisa out last night, shes a bit depressed because she broke up with her boyfriend. Personally I think she falls in love with her boyfriends too fast. But we had surf and turf - lobster tail and filet mignon - yum yum yum ! I couldn't finish it all so its sitting in my fridge and I think I'm about to eat it for lunch cause I'm getting hungry. And oh my God I had chocolate cheescake for dessert - so damn good!
The Waitress thought Lisa was the older sister and that she was 30 ! she guessed my correct age. But I was laughing hysterically, althought it didn't make Lisa feel all that much better :)
Afterwards we went to see Taxi with Queen Latif and Jimmy Fallon it was so funny we were laughing so hard throughout the movie - its a must see :)
Wednesday, October 20
No I don't know what busy means
My boss had a funeral to go to today so I ended up having the day off today. James and I were non-stop today, I had a quick doctor appointment this morning, then I treated Jimmy to a McDonalds breakfast which we do maybe twice a year. Then we stopped home and picked up our library books and returned them, and sat in on a bookplay session they have during the week, the kids get to play games, sing songs, listen to a story, and do a craft after so it was something new for Jimmy. I wish I knew about this when we still were off every Wednesday, but at least we got to participate today. After we took off to Home Depot and I ordered the wood flooring for my hall/living/dining rooms and hopefully it'll all come in fast and I can have my floors put down soon.
I dropped off a pair of shoes last week to get repaired, after we picked those up we walked next door to the SlowDown Cafe in Hightstown where Jimmy and I enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate, he had a brownie and I had a slice of cheese cake - yummy. Afterwards we went home for a nap for about an hour and a half before going to Jimmy's swimming lesson, after I picked up some pants I had tailored.
Talk about running errands : )
Sunday, October 17
Another Busy Day
Jimmy and I had a blast today at Shady Brook Farms, He bounced on all the kid things and played some games, went on a pony ride again, rode some bikes, went though the haunted house but it wasnt scary, we of course went on the hayride out to the pumpkin patch and picked our pumpkins but before we did that...we went for a ride in a monster truck, which was totally cool! Jimmy couldn't stop talking about it for about an hour he was in heaven.
After I went to Home Depot to price some wood floors, its time to put them down. The guy who did my kitchen for me last year can do it for about $1100 which incl. the living/dining and hallway, and just under $2500 for that and Jimmy and my bedrooms. Now I just gotta find the floor I like and hopefully get a cheap price. I found a floor I love at home depot, but I think I might check out Lumber Liquidators maybe they're have something similiar cheaper
Saturday, October 16
Busy Weekend
I took James to get his first flu shot, boooo.
Afterwards we went down the road to the West Windsor Community Park they were have a fall festival from 11-3 today. Jimmy had a blast. They had the moon bouncers and a slide, lots of little games for the kids to play, Petting zoo, Pony rides. There was a helicopter there so Jimmy got to see that up close which he thought was "Totally Awesome Mom!" :) We had ourselves some sausage and pepper sandwiches yum! yum! And you won't believe this, Fried Oreo cookies!
The girl I work with was telling me about Fried Oreo's a month or so ago, and I looked at her like she was crazy! But I saw that they had them here today so I figured I had to try them, and OH MY GOD! they were fantastic! they're coated in the same batter as a funnel cake and fried, the cookie gets soft from being heated and it was soooooooooooooo good! On the sign at at different booth they fry more stuff (we went there first at the end and they were out of batter) Nutter Butter Cookies, Choc. Chip Cookies, and Snicker Bars which are my fav. candy bar normally.
We came home today and took a nap :)
Yesterday We took a trip to the mall just to walk around and I found some clothes for me, but we went to Hammetts Learning World and Jimmy asked me for a Microscope, which is really cool, you enter the code that on the slide and it talks and tells you some facts about the bug. Any learning toy Jimmy wants I have no problem buying :)
Tomorrow We're going to Shady Brook Farms in PA with DeAnna and Doris and her son (the girls I work with) and Lisa to go Pumpkin Picking, and hey have all kinds of fun activities for the kids also. Monster Truck rides, games for the kids, Haunted House Jr. They also do Haunted hayrides for adults which I haven't been on but I do want to go on a haunted hayride this year, I haven't been on one in a while. Maybe we'll all go next weekend when Jimmy's at Bobs.
Saturday, October 9
Shopping Luck!
I got lucky shopping today At Famous Footwear they had some wides! They usually don't I found a nice ankle high pair of black boots with a narrow heel. Walked next door to Payless and found another pair of boots, wine color also w/a narrow heel, I bought them both :) And got some new work clothes also.
I've been cleaning my kitchen and doing laundry the rest of the day. Today was the first time I turned the self-cleaner on of my oven, man it stuck up the house like stuff was burning big time, it wasn't very dirty but whatever was in there is no more. I gonna go hop in the shower now and go out tonight in my new boots :)
Friday, October 8
Shoe ME!
I can usually find 8 1/2 wide at Payless but not all the time, Target barely caries wides. My hygienist's daughter has the same size as me she says she can find shoes sometimes at KMart, maybe I'll go check out KMart and Walmart tomorrow.
I'm bored tonight, I want to go out, but I'm so tried I just want to go to sleep. I don't feel like watching, tv a movie, or reading a book.
Running Idle
So Lisa is back from CA, she didn't get chosen for the same reason as last time, she doens't sing strong enough, but she got to see her boyfriend for a couple days. She rented a car drove up to San Fransisco audition and drove back to San Fernando to relax a day before flying home.
Sunday, October 3
My feet are not ten feet wide!!!
Ya know! Why can't I find any cute, sexy, in style shoes that fit my feet? It's not like my feet are ten feet wide, they're not even abnormally wide, they're just a little bit wider then the regular/medium size foot. I need 8 1/2 Wide. Does anybody know where I can go to find shoes ???
My Weekend
I finished 9 Parts of Desire, very interesting, very good. I'm actually surprised the read some gray and happy times in the lives of these women.
I took my Grandma food shopping on Friday, then I took my other Grandma shopping to Target yesterday to get some things shes been needing and to get her out the house and cheer her up, then had dinner with her and my dad, nothing like grandma's cooking.
I also just spent the weekend cleaning. Fun Fun.
Oh but Lisa left for CA on friday to mainly audition for the next American Idol auditions in San Francisco, they increased the age limit so she gets to try out again. So she flew out to LA to visit her boyfriend in San Fernando for a few days before driving up to San Fran. then back to San Fernando to visit her boyfriend again. before coming home.
Tuesday, September 21
New Book
A patient told me about this book about 6 months ago, I wrote down the title on a sticky note and stuck it up on my desk so I would remember to go get it. I finally got around to going to the library to check it out.
Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women by Geraldine Brooks. I'm only up to the middle of chapter 3, its very interesting. I'm familiar with some of their customes and mutilation customs but to hear the mutilations described so frankly really is shocking. Geraldine is an american women who spent 6 years in the middle east, she write about the friends she made and her own encounters. Its extremenly interesting to read the different spectrums of women in the same religion and beleifs and actual accounts of these womens lives.
Is that ? ....
While she is not mentioned in the article, Lisa is featured. I just got this in an email from my sister, I guess she just found it or somebody sent it to her.
Monday, September 20
30 is 3 years away
Yes thats right I'm now 27. I woke up this morning feeling like I was 80 - massive migraine. So I called out of work. Jimmy let me sleep till 10 and then I felt better so I didn't want to just sit home. SO... I scopped up Jimmy and headed for the Princeton Jct. train sta. and hopped onto a train to NYC. I've been wanting to take Jimmy to The Museum of Natural History for a while now, so thats what we did. James and I had fun, I remember the museum being grander when I was younger but I guess thats just because I just was a kid the last time I was there. :) James loved the train ride, the subway, and everything else we did today.
But my migraine was in and out the whole day at its worst in the early morning and from 4pm until now.
Friday, September 17
I'm Back !
I have been having a lot of trouble w/my computer at home. It's as they say KAPUT!
So I ordered a new laptop from dell and it delivered today. I'm excited, its nice. But now I do have to adjust to typing on the keyboard area. I wanted to downsize if I was going to buy a new computer so now I can get my computer desk out of Jimmy's room.
I haven't really been doing anything exciting lately though. James went to Wildwood for the weekend with Bob for the fireman's convention. My birthday's on Monday, Lisa's boyfriend is coming home for a week or so which means she'll probably blow off my bday plans. So now I'll have to make some new ones, ideas?
I want to start doing more cultural and fun things though, hit some museums, go to some theater shows or something. While I don't live in Europe as my friend does, I live an area that I never "explore" NYC and Philly and even NJ has lots of interesting stuff also. I should get on that...
Friday, September 3
Zoo Time
Jimmy and I went to the Philly Zoo today. He's been asking me for two weeks if he could go to the zoo so we went. It was a nice warm day today, not so insane that it would make you sweat and barely any humidity, it would have been a good tanning day. We have been to the Philly Zoo at least 3 times and hes been there at least twice with his father, so we pretty much have the footpaths down pat now. We Saw all the monkeys, hippos, rhinos, elephants, tortises, bald eagle, kids petting zoo area, zebras, giraffes, etc. etc. We finally got to see the gorillas (philly had a fire in the gorilla habitat a few years back and have been rebuilding it) so Jimmy loved that. But nothing extremenly exciting, everything you'd pretty mch expect to see in a zoo :)
Greg and Eric invited me to a free concert at a park near their house the music was pretty good, the guys were disappointed they missed the group they wanted to see. After we went to ChiChi's ? or Chili's had some nachos and some drinks, and had a good time, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard with Greg before. They had a karoke night going on, some people were really good and some just sucked so we laughed at them - hey I know I can't sing and won't attempt to do so in public!
Oh, by the way, the baby guinea pig's name is Oreo "The" Cookie as per James he added "The"
Friday, August 20
On Memorial day I bought a guinea pig and named her Sweet Pea. When I bought her the saleslady said she was the only one for sale because the other female was pregnant and the male needed to stay with her, which was fine cause I got the one I wanted. When I went to Maine, dad watched Sweet Pea, then the week I was off Jimmy and I were busy with day trips so dad kept her (he fell in love with her anyway). Then I got a little sick so I left her there a little longer. Earlier tonight I got a phone call from Lisa shrieking with excitement, it turns out Sweet Pea was also pregnant! She just had a baby!!! So I drove over there and found the cutest lil black and white thing. SO CUTE!!!
I called the pet store... uh yeah you sold me a guinea pig on 6/1 and she just had a baby ... well we had her in a cage with a male for a while, but he didn't seem interested... well I guess he was! :) So they tell me the baby sould be kept with the mother at least 5 weeks. I left them at dads house so not to distrub them with a car ride. Lisa's gonna keep the baby after this.
What a cool surprise
Day Trip
Today, James and I took a trip to the Liberty Science Center in/near Jersey City. We had fun running around looking at stuff. Jimmy got to play a virtual volleyball game, he stood in front of a blue screen and watched himself on tv so he knew when to jump. We saw the 3D laser light show aboutyour brain, Jimmy kept reaching out to try to grab the laser :). We crawled through a "brain" doesn't look lik a brain at all but you crawl through a tunnel that goes up and down and had a slide at the end but it was pitch dark in there, you can't see your hand in front of your face, you hade to keep your left hand on the wall at all times. We had fun though we were probably there for 4 or mabe more hours.
Thursday, August 19
The next Olympic Champion ...
Oh, by the way, Jimmy ROCKS! at swimming class. Monday he swam about 10 feet all by himself - no bubble - nobody holding him and he did awesome!
I've been watching the Olympics, mostly catching the swimming, and gymnastics, I also saw some shotput and volleyball not to mention kayaking - I wasn't aware that was an olympic event? Tonight Jimmy couldn't get to sleep so he watched some gymnastics and swimming with me. He was awestruck at the gymnastics the way eveybody was flipping around :) and he was thrilled to watch swimming, I told him that maybe one day everyboday would be watching him on TV swimming in the Olympics since hes doing so awesome swim class :D
Sick Day
I've been sick since Monday, a head cold. I'll get a cold in the summer from the temperature difference from AC and hot weather (as Anna & family remembers from my visit in FL) and am pretty much miserable since breathing is almost obsolete. My boss keeps the air on "freezing" year round, including the winter. I haven't had the air on in the house for about a monthn mostly because its really not working but, mainly because its been pretty nice (keeping blinds closed keeps it nice and cool in the house). So as soon as I went back to work after a week off with no AC, I got sick. I have been miserable and ended up feeling like crapola when I woke up today I actually felt very weak and stumbled into the wall thats when I decided I don't think I was going into work today :)
I did end up feeling better later in the day and since I kept Jimmy home with me (since I didn't have the energy to drive him to school) we decided to take another lil trip. We drove to trenton, parked and hopped on NJ Transit's River Line to the NJ Aquarium in Camden. If I had to drive to Camden I wouldn't have gone, espeically since I wasn't feeling all that wonderful. Jimmy thought his first ride and a train was just great. We enjoyed ourselves at the aquarium. My favorite was the Sea Dragons, I beleive they're a "cousion" of the Sea Horse; James liked the Green Moray's. We sat in on a story time which was funny, they had a puppet show which was corney :) and James got his face painted to look like a shark. We had a nice time.
Tommorow we're gonna head north to the Liberty Science Center. I'm enjoying my time with Jimmy the kid this summer with the trips we've been taking.
Monday, August 16
We didn't go to a museum in Philly yesterday. We just hung around the house and went to Chucke Cheese later for a couple hours before we had to drive to the airport and pick up Lisa. Her flight was scheduled to come in at 8:49pm she ended up getting in earlier but got stuck in traffice on the runway so by the time she jumped in my car it was 9:30pm which is normal but it took us 1 1/2hrs to get home. I was so exhausted, me and Jimmy didn't sleep well it took me forever to fall asleep and Jimmy kicked me throughout the night cause he slept in my bed last night. I told Lisa if she wants me to pick her up from the airport ever again that that latest shes allowed to get in is 8pm so I can get home early enough to get a good night sleep cause I feel dead today.
Although I was off work all last week and did a lot of stuff, I don't feel like I had a vacation, but was looking forward to getting back to work at the same time ?
Saturday, August 14
Maine and Vacation (Long Post)
I've been having trouble with my computer at home which is the reason for the lack of entries.
The drive up sucked! We got stuck in 1 1/2hr traffic due to a really bad accident in Mass. I had kept shifting and twisting my self so my butt and legs wouldn't go numb and I ended up hurting myself by twisting a knot into my back - of course :) We arrived 2am Friday, when we got on the road 5pm Thursday. Maine was beautiful, last time I was there was when I was maybe 10-12? Greg gets a cabin right on a lake it was very relaxing. I forgot how cold the nights get, I woke up freezing with my teeth chattering the first night and "yelled" all I could muster which ended up being a whisper for a second blanket :)
Friday I woke up so late, from getting in at 2am and the cold fresh air. Went down sat at the lake, enjoyed the sun, Greg took us for a spin on the lake. One of the guys that was staying in a different cabin did Hawaiian Poi fire dance stuff, he spun fire, it was really cool. Erik got some pictures of it he posted them on his web site, click under creative. We went out for Lobster later in the evening to the Lobster Pound. I had the special: 1lb lobster, steamed clams, New England clam chowda - yummy. I treated for Gregs Bday which was earlier that week and also to say thanks for letting me crash his vacation :) Afterwards we went to Ricks Cafe, I was not impressed. I went to the Ricks Cafe in Jamaica with Anna in 2001 it was better. Erik and Greg have been going there for years they say it used to be better, but Rick also doesn't own this one anymore.
Saturday I woke up a little early but I made myself go back to sleep because the sun didn't even rise yet, I guess my body forgot it was on vacation, I woke up again around 9am again and stayed up. I was back and forth between the lake and the cabin reading a book I brought. For lunch today we took a drive to Frye Island and had to take a ferry over, with the car, first time I've ever done that it was weird being in a car that was turned off but was moving. Had a nice lunch outside for 2 hours right on the water. Greg was being attacked by moths, they must have liked his cologne :) When we took the ferry back over the younger guy working on it "got me to smile" (as he said) because I hit him with my car - he made me pull up until I hit him. Then he started talking to me, flirting as per Erik and Greg said - he was hitting on me. I thought he was gay, he spoke and acted a little femine. So we had a little debate over it on the way back. He was nice and cute but I didn't think I was his "type" :) For dinner we went to Ricks new place quite a trek away it seemed like it took forever to get there and only 15 mins to get back :) He owns a comfortable tavern/inn family style restaurant with good food. I had Mexican. After we ate, we went and sat at the bar for a few drinks and the boys took a ride in Ricks massage chair. I was entertained by two "Mass-holes" sitting next too me who were loud and funny, too much too drink? or just being themselves I don't know but they were enjoying themselves.
Sunday we helped Greg pack and clean up. Took a drive to Freeport so I could go to LL Bean. I wanted to get Jimmy a new sleeping bag and some presents for my dad for his upcoming Bday, and I ended up picking up a nice warm winter jacket and snow pants for Jimmy. The drive home sucked, started out in traffic in Maine, the rest of it seemed to flow pretty well but I was just fed up with being in the car and I think I was getting snippy, plus I was really wasn't talking to Erik because I was fed up with the car and also was lost in thought - sorry Erik :) I ended up getting home and crashing at midnight, I don't remember what time I woke up the next day ?
I picked up Jimmy from school Monday, I missed my little booger :) Monday and Tuesday we just hung around and did little stuff. Wednesday I took him to the Crayola Factory in Easton, PA and we had a blast making stuff and he was running all over the place. Right behind it there is a Pez store that was cute and we stopped for Ice Cream at the Purple Cow Creamery. Drove home in a lovely storm and got a little lost because I wanted to dodge traffic, but if you go in the general direction you'll get there eventually :)
Thursday we went to the Please Touch Museum in Philly. Its a kids place where you can run around and do what ever you want. They had a section from Alice in Wonderland the tea party, 0312289723 Where The Wild Things Are which I loved beause it was one of my favorite books when I was a kid (Jimmy loves it too) and all kinds of other stuff. Friday we didn't do much Jimmy wanted to go to the ball pit at McDonalds so we did that then he wanted to see his father since he hadn't seen him for a few days, I dropped him off then went home for an hour. He decided he wanted to sleep there so he came home today. and we hung out and watched movies.
tomorrow Lisa is coming home at 8:40pm from visiting her boyfriend in Cali and we'll have to go pick her up. I think we might go The Franklin Institute Science Museum they've got kids stuff there or maybe some other museums since we have to go to Philly in the evening anyway.
So this was my vacation week, back to work on Monday - yuk.
Thursday, August 5
Lobster Lobster Lobster
I was invited be Greg and Eric to go to Maine with them. Greg rents a cabin in Maine for 2 weeks every summer. So Eric and I are heading up today and will stay until Sunday and help Greg close up shop. See ya when I get back! :)
Friday, July 30
Am I stil alive ?
Yes, I am. I'm also busy, tired and my computer at home getting a little wacky, so I'm posting at work :)
I went to my cousions wedding this past saturday with my dad, sister and Jimmy. We left at 8am and arrived at 12pm in Binghamton, NY. The ride usually takes us 4 hours but we made it in 3 this time? We really weren't speeding I guess the traffic has changed in that direction. When we arrived at the hotel I told Jimmy were here and he starts yelling "I'm so excited! I'm so exctied!" he was thriled beyong thrilled that he was going to a wedding (everytime we see one on tv or pass one on the road he wants to watch it) and was excited to see his cousions, the last time we saw them was 2 yrs ago. While we were waiting for our rooms to be ready we saw some family at the hotel across the street (we didn't make our reservations in time so we booked at another one) and we hung outside and caught up for a little while. James was all over his cousions he was hysterical. We showered and dressed and drove to the church, Jimmy could have been better behaved, but he wasn't talking or yelling at least, he kept whispering to everybody and up and down and laying down and on peoples laps but within our pew. Melinda (bride) was beautiful, they arrived and left on a trolly which was pretty cool.
We had 1 1/2 hrs before the cocktail hour began we hung around the church for a while talking to people, then headed back to the hotel I crashed out for about a 1/2 hour I was so tired from waking up early and the ride up. We left the hotel at 4:45 for the 5pm cocktail hour, I was suprised by the lack of food at the cocktail hour. Later when I was talking with my cousion Sal (brides father) he said the food he ordered was the amount the coordinator had suggested, when he asked her what happened, whay there wasn't enough food she said "they're from long island" :) so he had some more food whipped up and set out. We enjoyed some drinks and chatted while Jimmy ran around and climbed some trees with the kids.
The reception was nice we had fun dancing, Jimmy danced with everybody but me, including non family members. Me and Lisa had fun dancing with out cousions. The last hour of the night I couldn't stand my shoes anymore so i peeled them off and danced barefoot. After the reception was over my cousions in my age group and the rest of the bridal party met at ChiChi's to still hang out. They had a really crappy band that was so lound you couldn't hear eachother even when you were screaming, so we moved to the other side of the resturant and took up 5 - 6 tables in a row, there were about 20 of us, then drank laughed and ate nachos all night.
The next morning my family all met for breakfast at Friendlys next door and 25 of us took over half the place, loud Italians :) the bride and groom missed their "6:30am" flight because it was really 605am and they arrived there at 6:05am and they arrived at 6:03am so Melinda joined us for breakfast and her new husband slept cause he was wiped out.
Monday, July 5
A New Addition !!
Today we went to the mall to find something nice for Jimmy to wear to my cousins wedding in a couple weeks, had lunch and visited the pet shop as usual. I've been thinking about getting James a gunia pig for a while now, every time I went to look for one the stores I visited were out. Gerbils are ugly, hamsters are cute but both are too small, a guiniea pig is a good size. So the had white smooth girl who is so pretty and had a very sweet temperment, so we took her home :) named her Sweet Pea and shes getting used to us. I'm giving her 2 days to get used to her new cage before I start handeling her.
Sunday, July 4
BBQ anyone ?
We grilled up some cheese burgers, chicken, corn on the cob, had baked beans, potatoe salad, pasta salad, regular salad :)and Lemon Ice for desert, I bought a watermelon too but we didn't break it out
Happy 4th of July!
Last Night we walked down the street and sat on the lawn, Dad and Lisa and Heidi found us and we sat and watched the fireworks from Etra Park. Its so much easier then going to Etra and having to deal with all the traffic and deal with over 1 hour long traffic to get home when it normally only takes under 5 min. So we enjoyed the fireworks from the other side of the trees :)
Today we took a walk around the condos looking for any for sale signs for a friend of mine who's looking to buy. I think we'll head out to the pool soon and then go grill up some stuff later at dad's house.
Saturday, July 3
3rd of July
Crazy day today. Went to go look at a new furniture store they were having a sale 1/2 off everything in the store so i snagged some stuff. Got Jimmy's hair buzzed down, went and bought a new parakeet for Grandma, her's was sitting on Dad's shoulder as he walked out the door and he felt him a second too late the bird flew away, and now we're home relaxing for a little while, mabye go to the pool in a few and watch the fireworks at 9:30, you can see 'em from my house which is great cause I won't have to deal with traffic :)
Thursday, July 1
Jimmy "The Fish" Bell
Jimmy and I went swimming yesterday. His swimming classes have helped his confidence becasue he was swimming by himself without help from me or a bubble/floaty. He was jumping in the water to me for a good hour standing up, without holding my hands and kept telling me go far back Mommy! He was really having a blast and was so proud that he could swim by himself :)
Think I'm a proud Mama ?
Sunday, June 27
Me Myself & I
I went to see Stepford Wives by myself today. This was the first time I've ever gone to a movie by myself. It was a pretty good version. I felt a little weird by myself but what the hell.
Saturday, June 26
New Mexico ???
When I was talking to my dad tonight, he asked me if I would move out to New Mexico with him one day after both my grandmothers are no longer here, he wouldn't leave until then and I couldn't while they are. But I can't see myself moving, I've never really entertained the idea. He always wanted to retire out there, and he says he doesn't want me to live out here alone with no family because who knows what and where Lisa has in her future. Lisa's out in CA this weekend visiting her boyfriend who moved out there maybe a month ago. So he says think about it, I don't know its weird ?
Scooby Gear
I'm really enjoying my new Santa Fe. I put all my Scooby Doo stuff in it. I bought a pair of Scooby Doo cargo floor mats (the small ones for the rear seats) at Target last week. Target used to have the large Scooby Doo floor mats for the front but I went back every day for I think the 2 weeks looking to see if they came in on a shipment. Target doesn't know what they're going to get, they couldn't tell me if it was discontuined or what. DeAnna tol dme she saw them at a car wash down in Trenton on S. Broad so I took a trip down there on Friday and found them :)
A few years ago I found in Target of Walmart Scooby Doo decals for car windows so I bought a bunch :D so I'd always have them to put on my car. I'm a Scooby Doo Fan what can I say ?
A Day out ...
I did some shopping today, always makes me smile. :) Had to buy a dress for my cousions wedding next month, and shoes and purse and scarf/shawl to go with it :D
Then I got some casual clothes for work and summer. I went down the the Hamilton Marketplace they built it maybe last year ? Theres all different types of shops there and I see now they're building a Barnes & Noble there which I'm glad about so now I don't have to shlep out to Rt. 1 or Rt 9. to go buy a book.
I stopped in Kohls while I was down there also. While I was floating around the store, in the hosewares section I saw some of the dishes I bought when I was in Germany last Aug. in Wactherbach (sp?). I have all of the different colors they only had the red/orange set. I was surprised because this was the first time I've seen them in the US. I've never seen them in JC Penny's or MAcy's or any of the bigger dept. stores.
Thursday, June 10
Santa Fe 2004 GLS 3.5ltr 6cyl Black
I'm going out tonight, get to show off my new toy to my friends.
Wednesday, June 9
I recently bought the Lord of the Rings trilogy DVD set and about a year ago I had bought The Hobbit, so I technically have the 4 story set. I remember watching Hobbit when I was younger and loved it, of course when I watched it after I bought it, I was a little bored from it. James and I watched the 2nd and 3rd movies back to back and they were really good, James liked all the monsters and I told him that if he didn't brush his teeth when mommy told him too he will end up with the monster teeth we saw close ups of in the movies.
This past Sunday we had a lazy day, we walked to the diner nearby for brunch. We both really enjoy walking to it, its kind of an adventure for James and he loves to get his pancakes and sit at the counter on the stools and spin :) When it's nice out we'll spend most of the day walking to all the different parks in the area so he can play, climb and explore or we take the dogs on long walks.
Saturday Lisa and I have to drive 4 hrs north to Bighmaton (sp?) upstate NY for my cousins bridal shower she's getting married next month.
Bob has James this weekend so I'll have to figure something out to do outside of the above.
Saturday, May 29
If it's not one, it's the other
Every once in a while the dogs get a little limpy to them. Sometimes its from laying the wrong way for too and becoming stiff, somtimes its a little arthritis.
On Thursday I noticed Jawsy with a little limp, it didn't look to bad so I didn't think much of it. She still had it the next day but still not bad. When I got home from work on friday she didn't come to greet me and when I went to see here she didn't get up she barely moved and barely moved from that spot the rest of the night I think she moved only once. When I woke up this morning I found her in a different spot by lying in her own pee because shw couldn't get up. I tried to prompt her up, she sat and took a few steps but I could see she was really wobbly in her hind legs.
My vet's office was closed, so I called a vet nearby where Bob's daughter Sarah and neice Kim happen to work they were able to sqeeze her in today. I had to carry her to and from the car, I was hoping it wasn't hip dysplasia because there's nothing you can do for it. Turns out she has really bad arthritis in her knees and hip joints but its not hip dysplasia. So they gave her a shot of pain med, and some pain meds for home as well as antibiotic. Hopefully she'll get better otherwise she may have to have some xrays done to check out whats going on. SIGH!
Saturday, May 22
10 YEARS ????
Last night I went out with Lisa and DeAnna. First we went to a resturant/bar that Lisa wanted to go to. It was pretty empty only a few people in there Lisa knew them but we were bored, so we made Lisa leave and go to CitiStreets with us because they had a band playing. I am so glad we went, the band was good, but the best was that I ran into a bunch of friends from high school. My friend Mark who I do see every once in a while was there with his fiancee, another friend Dustin - he's engaged also and dropped a lot of weight since HS, and another friend Rich who's now a doctor/chriporactor, I barely recoginzed him, he's pumped up a lot. I saw a few other people, but they're around a lot. But Richie was diggin DeAnna and vice/versa so I gotta hook my friends up now :) hehehe
WHERES MY HOOK UP!?!?!?!?!?!
This reminded me, I've been out of high school nearly 10 years now, 1995, I guess I have a reunion coming up soon - yikes!
Monday, May 3
The normal healthy weight of the dogs uterus should me 2-3 OUNCES! not pounds and Chopper's was 3 - 3 1/2 POUNDS!!
And you Jimmy has told me every days since Chopper's been home how happy he is she's home and he wants his puppy with him. He's so gentle and easy with her always giving her light hungs and kisses saying awwww choppy get better. And Jaws did her happy bounce when Choppy came home on Saturday.
It already looks like shes gained some weight back : )
Oh and did I mention I had to shell out some bucks lately?? Yeah well on top of all that I find out today the my PAYCHECK bounced - I'm just thrilled to see what kind of bank fees I get form that, my boss IS going to cover any fees that are incurred that the bank won't waive.
And you Jimmy has told me every days since Chopper's been home how happy he is she's home and he wants his puppy with him. He's so gentle and easy with her always giving her light hungs and kisses saying awwww choppy get better. And Jaws did her happy bounce when Choppy came home on Saturday.
It already looks like shes gained some weight back : )
Oh and did I mention I had to shell out some bucks lately?? Yeah well on top of all that I find out today the my PAYCHECK bounced - I'm just thrilled to see what kind of bank fees I get form that, my boss IS going to cover any fees that are incurred that the bank won't waive.
Sunday, May 2
Choppys Home !!
Chopper came home today. The vet's office was supposed to call me this morning to let me know that status if she could come home or not. I expected to get a call between 9-10, but I didn't. Around 11 I called them, they said yeah shes ready to go, so I ran to pick up my baby. I may complain about the dogs sometimes about the messes they make or because they're always underfoot, but they're my babies just like Jimmy is.
It cost $724 about $100 less then they quoted me - still like I have that kind of money lying around? They took a picture of what they took out, can we say GROSS! A dogs uterus resembles intestines (long & round) because they hold litters; it was much thicker in diameter then it was supposed to be, and was rounded or U shaped - I'm not sure if that's normal or not. On top of the extra thickness the cyst filled the entire center of the circle. I feel so bad for Chopper, that must have been causing her so much pain and for how long???
She hasn't eaten much yet, a little but not a lot, but she is drinking her water and of course sleeping a lot with the anesthia still in her system. I got her outside today to get some fresh air, and it actually gave her a jolt of wind/friskiness so a little of a faster step. She'll have to go back to the vet on Tuesday for a post-op check since her incision was so large. Now, Chopper and Jaws both actually love their vet, but I'm sure she will be none too happy about stepping foot back into that office after this, we'll see : )
It cost $724 about $100 less then they quoted me - still like I have that kind of money lying around? They took a picture of what they took out, can we say GROSS! A dogs uterus resembles intestines (long & round) because they hold litters; it was much thicker in diameter then it was supposed to be, and was rounded or U shaped - I'm not sure if that's normal or not. On top of the extra thickness the cyst filled the entire center of the circle. I feel so bad for Chopper, that must have been causing her so much pain and for how long???
She hasn't eaten much yet, a little but not a lot, but she is drinking her water and of course sleeping a lot with the anesthia still in her system. I got her outside today to get some fresh air, and it actually gave her a jolt of wind/friskiness so a little of a faster step. She'll have to go back to the vet on Tuesday for a post-op check since her incision was so large. Now, Chopper and Jaws both actually love their vet, but I'm sure she will be none too happy about stepping foot back into that office after this, we'll see : )
Friday, April 30
Chopper is doing fine. She went into surgery 6:30 this morning it was 2 1/2 hours, they removed her 3 1/2 lbs infected uterus/mass, a healthy uterus should weigh about 1 1/2 lbs. She'll be staying over night again on IV and Heavy Sedation, she should be able to come home tomorrow morning. I was so nervous she wouldn't make it through the surgery since she was so skinny and dehydrated and 10 1/2 yrs old but she's doing well.
I didn't sleep well last night, and neither did Jaws. Jaws was restless all night and crying, she missed her sister.
I didn't sleep well last night, and neither did Jaws. Jaws was restless all night and crying, she missed her sister.
Thursday, April 29
Choppers sick
I have two boxers, Chopper who is 10 1/2 and Jaws who is 9 (around 9 is the end of a boxers life span typically). The past week and a half Chopper has dropped too much weight. She has been eating barely anything at all and for the past few days nothing. She drinks like a camel as if there will never be any water ever again and then throws it right back up. I have tried putting chicken and beef broth on her food which only works a little, in the past she would have devoured the entire bowl of food that was soaked with people food. So shes not eating, dropped a ton of weight, drinking and eating her pee and poop and had the shivers. All this while Jaws is fine. I got her in the the vet today, she has a huge cyst in her uterus.
If female dogs are not spayed before their first menstruation there is a risk of them developing cysts in their uterus and this risk gets higher with every passing menstruation. My vet has given me this info and told me about this possibility in the past, I have some guilt over this situation as it could have been prevented-somewhat, she would have had to still have surgery to spay her, but she wouldn't have gotten so sick first. I couldn't afford it then, and now, I still can't afford it. I don't know how I'm going to pay for this, I'm maxed out on credit cards and there's no extra cash right now. What are my options, put her to sleep or give her the surgery and hope they will let me pay in payments??
I opted for surgery of course, how could I possible put a dog to sleep on purpose when something is curable, shes my baby a part of my family. I cried so much today I have a migraine and my eyes hurt. She's at the vet's over night on an IV and will have surgery in the morning. I have an excellent vet and I have very high hopes that Chopper will come through this ok. There is of course the chance of problems, but the cyst has not burst so that alone increases the chances of a good outcome. Surgery starts around 7:30-8 tomorrow and they'll call me around 10am. I'm a nervous wreck, I feel like I'm going to throw up.
If female dogs are not spayed before their first menstruation there is a risk of them developing cysts in their uterus and this risk gets higher with every passing menstruation. My vet has given me this info and told me about this possibility in the past, I have some guilt over this situation as it could have been prevented-somewhat, she would have had to still have surgery to spay her, but she wouldn't have gotten so sick first. I couldn't afford it then, and now, I still can't afford it. I don't know how I'm going to pay for this, I'm maxed out on credit cards and there's no extra cash right now. What are my options, put her to sleep or give her the surgery and hope they will let me pay in payments??
I opted for surgery of course, how could I possible put a dog to sleep on purpose when something is curable, shes my baby a part of my family. I cried so much today I have a migraine and my eyes hurt. She's at the vet's over night on an IV and will have surgery in the morning. I have an excellent vet and I have very high hopes that Chopper will come through this ok. There is of course the chance of problems, but the cyst has not burst so that alone increases the chances of a good outcome. Surgery starts around 7:30-8 tomorrow and they'll call me around 10am. I'm a nervous wreck, I feel like I'm going to throw up.
Saturday, April 24
Luv my Grams!
I ran around like a crazy person today. I've been needing to buy a ottoman from my Grandma and have been forgetting. I checked online at a store I've purchased from before to see if they had a nice comfey one, neutral and on casters for easy moving (Gram's 92yrs old), I found it, called the store to see if they had it in the showroom and if I could buy & take it home today without having to wait on a delivery. I couldn't buy the floor model but they checked their warehouse to see if they had it in stock so I could just pick it up, they had it so I had to drive to E. Brunswick to order and pay for it then had to drive all the way back to Robbinsville where the warehouse is to pick it up. What a pain in the ass, the warehouse was poorly labeled I passed it 4 times by the time I pulled in it was 2:30 and they close at 3pm so I was happy I was actually able to get it before they closed :)
Gram was surprised when I strolled up to her house lugging this big bag, I should've pushed it on its wheels but I didn't want it to get dirty and then go in her house. Now, I called Grandma on Thursday asked her how she was doing and if she needed me to go food shopping for her, she says "Oh no, I'm fine, I have enough", I get there today open the fridge to get some water, the fridge is empty. So I check out the rest of her cabinets and theres pretty much nothing. So I went food shopping for her, its easier for me to just go by myself then with her because she'll only buy $60 in groceries, where I bought $160 so she doesn't run out of food in 3 days LOL! But I HATE food shopping over there, too many senior citizens in the store and parking lot! Crazy - some people should just give up driving at a certain point!!!! :))
Gram was surprised when I strolled up to her house lugging this big bag, I should've pushed it on its wheels but I didn't want it to get dirty and then go in her house. Now, I called Grandma on Thursday asked her how she was doing and if she needed me to go food shopping for her, she says "Oh no, I'm fine, I have enough", I get there today open the fridge to get some water, the fridge is empty. So I check out the rest of her cabinets and theres pretty much nothing. So I went food shopping for her, its easier for me to just go by myself then with her because she'll only buy $60 in groceries, where I bought $160 so she doesn't run out of food in 3 days LOL! But I HATE food shopping over there, too many senior citizens in the store and parking lot! Crazy - some people should just give up driving at a certain point!!!! :))
Friday, April 23
Thursday, April 22
At James' school this week they're celebrating the week of the young child, whatever that is I've never heard of it before maybe its something they made up. This month they've also been raising money for the March of Dimes which ever classes raises the most gets a pizza party and if the whole center raises $700 everybody gets a pizza party and the class with the most $$ also gets ice cream - we'll see who wins. But the kids did all kinds of fun stuff, activities, crafts, movie day, and PJ day. Today they had a family picnic/bbq from 6-7:30 for everybody to attend. It was nice, James thought it was great to have mommy there eating w/him and all his friends and to play afterwards.
I feel a bit out of place at these things probably because I'm younger then most parents. I still feel like a kid and I look around and I see all these "older" people, not like they're that much older some are in their late 30's and up. So I chatted casually for a few minutes with some parents and then just stood around and followed Jimmy while he played - what the hell else am I gonna do ??
Wednesday, April 21
Senior Moment
Oh my God old age must be hitting me early! I have been looking for a very important piece of paper, that I just picked up today, for over an hour already. I came in with a ton of stuff and put it all down in one spot. After we ate I went to get it to review and freaked out when it wasn't there. I've been searching over and over the only places I've been since I've been in the house, looked inbetween James' new books we got at the book fair at his school today, I even went out and searched my car 4 times. I took a break and got on the computer to cool down before my head exploded and read email, when James asked me for a drink, so I went to the fridge and low and behold the damn paper was sitting on the shelf in the fridge!!!!! I must've put it there when I was pulling out our dinner.
Well I guess when your distracted by the phone ringing, 2 dogs underfoot and a 4 year old who's always talking, stupid things happen. But then again, forgetfulness runs in my family : )
Well I guess when your distracted by the phone ringing, 2 dogs underfoot and a 4 year old who's always talking, stupid things happen. But then again, forgetfulness runs in my family : )
Jimmy's starting a soccer class today 10:30-11:30 it's on Wed.'s 4/21-5/26 so it works out great for me cause that's my day off so I was actually able to sign him up and take him. Its not a team where they play games, it teaches the skills of soccer but of course they'll play games w/each other. I'm probably gonna sign him up for soccer in the fall so I figured I'd put him in this to give him a chance to learn some stuff and see if he actually likes it. I'm sure he'll love hes constantly kicking the ball around.
Sunday, April 18
Jimmy's Hulk Party
Whew! I'm exhausted from his Birthday party yesterday.
Easter was the 11th this year and Jimmy's Birthday is the 12th so we had his party this weekend. I rented the clubhouse behind my condo and was in there at 9am bringing stuff over and setting up. I was supposed to have a few helpers but nobody showed up- nice, so I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off for 2 hrs trying to set up the room. Lisa and her boyfriend did help me by picking up the food and baloons I ordered, thank God because I never would have gotten everything set up if I had to do that.
Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Baked Ziti, Meatballs & Sausage, Italian subs. I got his cake from ShopRite and they decorated it in green and purple and did mounds of whipcream to look like rocks and had Hulk stuff all over it was really cute. Lisa dressed up as a clown names Smiley and had the kids play a little game then painted faces. and we had a Hulk pinata. Stuipd Lisa-Smiley the Clown broke it, doesn't she know the brithday kid is supposed to break it if all the kids gets through without breaking it.
It was a nice party though. Some of his cousins came, and school kids and other friends so he had a blast. And it was a nice day yesterday so they played outside for a while and got some energy out, not like they weren't running around crazy inside or anything like that ;)
I was very grateful for some help after the Party Bob and wife stayed to help clean up a bit. Thank you Lisa and boyfriend Danny and friend Eric, I was wiped out!
Monday, April 12
Happy 4th Birthday James!
My baby turned 4 today I can't beleive hes 4 !!!!
I brought cupcakes into school for him today so they had a mini party for him there, he though that was great :)
I brought cupcakes into school for him today so they had a mini party for him there, he though that was great :)
Sunday, April 11
Happy Easter
Happy Easter Everyone! :)
I cooked dinner at my dads house today, we do dinner at 1pm so I was up at 8am preparing. Nothing fancy though, Ham, Carrots and Mashed Potatoes. Me, Lisa, Jimmy, Dad and both the Grandma's. We had cake for Jimmy's birthday which is tommorow, hes gonna be 4
Jimmy's now at Bob's for their Easter.
I'm wiped out-think I'm gonna take a nap or somthing. Back to the grind tommorow.
I cooked dinner at my dads house today, we do dinner at 1pm so I was up at 8am preparing. Nothing fancy though, Ham, Carrots and Mashed Potatoes. Me, Lisa, Jimmy, Dad and both the Grandma's. We had cake for Jimmy's birthday which is tommorow, hes gonna be 4
Jimmy's now at Bob's for their Easter.
I'm wiped out-think I'm gonna take a nap or somthing. Back to the grind tommorow.
Wednesday, April 7
Warm Fuzzzy
Jimmy came to work with me today and yesterday, I love bringing him to work with me. I get to spend some mommy time with him while "at the office" and he loves coming with me. I guess the fact that there's a toy box (he thinks is just for him) and tv to watch cartoons on helps. It cute though he'll sit at the other computer and "paint", lay on the floor near me coloring or playing, not to mention being my lil' delivery boy and bring stuff to Dr. Stern's office or put things away for me :). I'm going to send him back to school for the rest of the week though. While I love having him with me he needs to stay on the school's schedule and be there for his Spanish Classes.
I'm not ready for Easter this year. I'm just not in the mood. Having Easter last year was easier then this one I guess because I was still numb from Mom's passing. Thanksgiving and Christmas this year I wasn't thrilled about either.
Wednesday, March 31
Semi Vaca
I'm on a semi-vacation. Dr. Stern is taking his family on vaca stopping at FL to visit family then on a cruise 4/1-4/11. While I'll still be going to work my hours will be as flexibale as I want them to be and I'll be able to sleep, get stuff done around the house. This'll give me time to purge a lot of crap that I don't use thats just in my way ticking me off.
Sunday, March 28
Catchup not Ketchup : )
I haven't posted much the last week. Usually by the time I got home at night I was dead tired and forgot anything I wanted to post.
Quick catchup - not ketchup : ) - of what I remember:
I've lost a total of 10 pounds since I started my non-diet and work out, slowy-heathly-and surely. friends and family say I've lost it in my face mostly which I'm more then fine with : ) GO ME!!
Got my taxes done, exciting stuff - NOT
Jimmy is doing really good on the potty training, I think he's almost there. And hes an awesome swimmer! He does have an ear infection right now though, said his ear was itchining and kept sticking his finger in his ear, its a sure sign.
That's bout it for now :)
Friday, March 19
Swimmin' in the Snow
And Yet MORE snow, although it was barely anything. It started to snow at midnight through about 9 or 10 this morning, it didn't really stick and the snow flakes were HUGE! I don't remember ever seeing any that big before. I can't believe how many school closing and delays there were today, the roads were absolutely fine. I went to work from 9-2:30 today then ran some errands and picked up James from school and took him to his swim lesson.
He started his lessons June 2003 as a "pike," I think hes been through 2-3 sessions as a pike. He did so well they said he was ready to move forward, I'm so happy to hear that. It helps that I've taken James to the pool every summer since he was a baby. Now hes been upgraded to the next level of "eel." Today was the first day of the new session, he's the youngest one in the class. I haven't been able to bring him to his classes in the past because they were Monday at 4 or 4:30 ? and I work till 6 so Bob always took him. The new classes are now Fridays at 4:15 which works out great for me cause I work till 1pm so now I can take him and watch him - its so cool to see my lil' man swimmin'!
Bob registered him for the classes, so he told me his class starts at 4:45pm we got there at 4:30pm and the lesson was already going, so I rushed to change him and he had about 15mins of lesson today because class begins at 4:15 not 4:45. Bob called to tell me of his mistake while I was watching Jimmy swim. Oh well, next week we'll be there at 4pm : )
Wednesday, March 17
It's snowing in Jersey - again
Damn this Weather!! It was really nice last week in the 60's, then yesterday it was snowing when I woke up I went to work feeling the onset of my "seasonal sickness." Seasonal Sickness= Whenever there's a drastic change in the weather, I get sick - a head cold more or less. It happens all year round ex. In the summer if ,I enter a house with the air conditioning freezing, I get sick.
[remember Wilkins : )]
I get totally stuffed and I can't breathe and it makes me insane, which causes me to breathe from my mouth, which causes a soar throat. I'm already hoarse, lovely.
[remember Wilkins : )]
I get totally stuffed and I can't breathe and it makes me insane, which causes me to breathe from my mouth, which causes a soar throat. I'm already hoarse, lovely.
Sunday, March 14
Kidnapped for Ransom!
Spent the day cleaning the house a bit. Lisa came over and "took me" out to lunch, yet I paid?? : ) Then she kidnapped me she wouldn't take me home! she kidnapped me to Staten Island to visit a friend of ours I haven't seen in a while so it was a good kidnapping, it was nice to see her again. We got back at 8pm I ran and picked up James from Bob's and now were home, ate dinner and are getting ready for bed, I think, we'll see how long he fights me : )
Saturday, March 13
Jimmy's Birthday!...
Is coming up next month. Can you beleive he's going to be 4 April 12th !!!
I took James to a party store the other day to ask him what theme he wanted for his party, which will probably be the 17th. We walked the isles I pointed out all the stuff, Buzz Light Year, Sponge Bob, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Scooby Doo and ETC! there was a ton. James decided he wanted the Incrediable Hulk GRRRRRRRRR! : ). So we picked up the invitations and a couple other things. I was looking for a Hulk mask for James to wear at his party, then he spied the whole costume next to it and wanted it. So at Jimmy's birthday party he'll be running around dressed as the hulk - you'll get a link to the pic afterwards.
Ok so my question to you : Cake or Ice Cream Cake ?
I think the kids will eat more of the ice cream cake then a regular cake.
I stopped at Carvel last night to see if they can do it, they had one drawing of the hulk that was ok, but they can do any pic I bring in. I also stopped at ShopRite they have a Hulk cake, its nice but I'm undecided. I think I'm leaning towards Ice Cream Cake and then baking a few cupcakes - so I can have fun decorating them. : )
I took James to a party store the other day to ask him what theme he wanted for his party, which will probably be the 17th. We walked the isles I pointed out all the stuff, Buzz Light Year, Sponge Bob, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Scooby Doo and ETC! there was a ton. James decided he wanted the Incrediable Hulk GRRRRRRRRR! : ). So we picked up the invitations and a couple other things. I was looking for a Hulk mask for James to wear at his party, then he spied the whole costume next to it and wanted it. So at Jimmy's birthday party he'll be running around dressed as the hulk - you'll get a link to the pic afterwards.
Ok so my question to you : Cake or Ice Cream Cake ?
I think the kids will eat more of the ice cream cake then a regular cake.
I stopped at Carvel last night to see if they can do it, they had one drawing of the hulk that was ok, but they can do any pic I bring in. I also stopped at ShopRite they have a Hulk cake, its nice but I'm undecided. I think I'm leaning towards Ice Cream Cake and then baking a few cupcakes - so I can have fun decorating them. : )
Friday, March 12
Money Money Money Money Money MO_NEY! sing it!
For the past 2-3 maybe 4 weeks, I've been in a bad mood with the upcoming date of my mothers passing. My bad mood was emphasized by work and I think I had a bit of an attitude problem (me ??). This past weekend I typed up a request for a raise and put it on my bosses desk on Monday. I hadn't heard anything from him all week, I was going to ask him about it today but I forgot because I was so busy. After our half day of work, my boss took me to lunch meeting. I have to say I have a great boss, very easy going and converses as a peer, not a superior. When our lunch arrived he told me I was getting my raise so I'm happy now : ).
On a different note...
You'll remember my "Punk'd out Scooby" post about having my hair highlighted and it being quite bright, well it just never turned into the color I thought it was going to be. So today after lunch I went to have my hair fixed. I am LOVING my color! It's nearly my natural color (dark brown/black) but with a hint of purple/plum, which shows more in the light. But it looks really nice now. Giulia (pronounced= Julia) took off 2 more inches so now its about as short as I'll go and still like it : ).
On a different note...
You'll remember my "Punk'd out Scooby" post about having my hair highlighted and it being quite bright, well it just never turned into the color I thought it was going to be. So today after lunch I went to have my hair fixed. I am LOVING my color! It's nearly my natural color (dark brown/black) but with a hint of purple/plum, which shows more in the light. But it looks really nice now. Giulia (pronounced= Julia) took off 2 more inches so now its about as short as I'll go and still like it : ).
Thursday, March 11
Book Signing
On one of my trips to B&N I picked up their events flyer and the following caught my interest "Meredith Gould, Ph.D., The Catholic Home: Traditions and Celebrations. The beauty and mystery of Catholic tradition has inspired the faithful for centuries. Meredith Gould guides us to fully understand, honor and celebrate this heritage. Her joy, impeccable research and unique sense of humor will inspire you. Visit her website at"
So since I want to start doing some new things for fun and my own interests/education I went tonight to "Meet the Author" and listen. It was very interesting to find out that she converted to Catholicism from Judaism. Very interesting perspective and it obvious that she loves this religion. I think the converts cherish their religion more then those of us who are born into it, "Cradle Catholics" as shes calls it, and continue within the religion which we were brought up with, then those who chose to change to follow another.
After the discussion I did buy her book (had her sign it since I was there) since I do want to re-connect with the Church and give my son his religion at home. I also picked up one of her other books Deliberate Acts of Kindness as I would like to do some kind of volunteering and this will give me some ideas.
So since I want to start doing some new things for fun and my own interests/education I went tonight to "Meet the Author" and listen. It was very interesting to find out that she converted to Catholicism from Judaism. Very interesting perspective and it obvious that she loves this religion. I think the converts cherish their religion more then those of us who are born into it, "Cradle Catholics" as shes calls it, and continue within the religion which we were brought up with, then those who chose to change to follow another.
After the discussion I did buy her book (had her sign it since I was there) since I do want to re-connect with the Church and give my son his religion at home. I also picked up one of her other books Deliberate Acts of Kindness as I would like to do some kind of volunteering and this will give me some ideas.
Sunday, March 7
My Mom
It'll be a year tomorrow since my Mom passed away. It's a weird feeling, I can't believe she's been gone a year?? It still doesn't seem real. Sometimes, I still expect to see her somewhere. In the beginning I felt a very strong presence of her around me, I don't feel it in the same way now but shes in my thoughts constantly. This year has been very difficult they say the first year is the hardest because you have to get through all the birthdays and holidays without them and it was, all the day's felt empty.
I lived my life normally this past year and indulged in a large and small vacations. Yes it was stressful taking care of my mother while she was sick, but most importantly, as we are all aware but I saw first hand, life is short and you never know what is in store for you. While I will always work hard I will never forget to play hard, do what I want to do, and not let people make you feel guilty for "living" and taking those vacations.
I lived my life normally this past year and indulged in a large and small vacations. Yes it was stressful taking care of my mother while she was sick, but most importantly, as we are all aware but I saw first hand, life is short and you never know what is in store for you. While I will always work hard I will never forget to play hard, do what I want to do, and not let people make you feel guilty for "living" and taking those vacations.
I took a Philosophy class while I was still in College - Logic - and enjoyed it very much. When the class ended I lent my book to someone and they never returned it - which ticked me off because I wanted to keep it and continue to study it. So, I picked up Basic Questions of Philosophey at B&N yesterday so I could read up on it again.
Look out world - I'm adding to my fire : )
Look out world - I'm adding to my fire : )
Lazy Saturday
James & I lazed around the house today, did some cleaning, some reading, some TV watching. We got bored so we took a drive to B&N in the early evening so we both got a couple of new books. Jimmy got 2 dinosaur books and 2 Scooby Doo books, I got The Great Gatsby (they had it in hardcopy - yea!!) & Before Gatsby - The First 26 Stories. I loved reading Gatsby in English class, and I love the movie (Robert Redford was so cute when he was younger ; ) - not so much anymore) so, I figured I'd grab this book that combines Fitzgerald's other works.
As I'm writing this, I'm realizing the times I received my best grades in English classes in school was when we read a book or play. To read the book as an assignment in class for a week or two have quizzes here and there and hand in a paper at the end of the book on out thoughts, feelings etc.
Every once in a while in the mailings I get there's an offer to start a leather bound book collection of the classics which I think I may start to buy as I want to start reading more - re-reading what I've already read and the books I haven't read. Not to mention, they'll be a beautiful collection and hopefully will inspire James and it'll aid him in becoming super smart by having access to these books at a younger age then they may be presented in school. I have been looking around B&N for the leather bound classics, this is something they don't carry - leather bound books. They have the classics, but in paperback, I definitely want them in hardcover so they'll last a good long time.

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing the times I received my best grades in English classes in school was when we read a book or play. To read the book as an assignment in class for a week or two have quizzes here and there and hand in a paper at the end of the book on out thoughts, feelings etc.
Every once in a while in the mailings I get there's an offer to start a leather bound book collection of the classics which I think I may start to buy as I want to start reading more - re-reading what I've already read and the books I haven't read. Not to mention, they'll be a beautiful collection and hopefully will inspire James and it'll aid him in becoming super smart by having access to these books at a younger age then they may be presented in school. I have been looking around B&N for the leather bound classics, this is something they don't carry - leather bound books. They have the classics, but in paperback, I definitely want them in hardcover so they'll last a good long time.
Friday, February 27
The Passion of Christ
After work today Lisa and I went to see The Passion of The Christ and it was amazing. Left me speechless, there are no words to describe this movie. The whole theatre was crying and so were we. They mention in the reviews that the graphic violence is overwhelming and it is, it was hard to watch at some points but I barely blinked the entire movie. The 2 hours felt like 30 mins because it just captivates your attention. This a must see. This is perfect timing as a reminder why we celebrate Lent
Sunday, February 22
Angels & Demons
I'm reading Dan Brown’s Angels & Demons, which is the precursor to The DaVinci Code and its REALLY Good and would be pretty scary if it was real! I’m enjoying this book. I wanted to read this book before I started The Davinci Code. 2/23/04 UPDATE: this book is really REALLY GOOD! and a bit scary 2/25/04 UPDATE: I'm pissed off now! I was going to finish this book last night but it seems that my book is screwed up ??? my book goes from page 528 back to pgs 17-48 then back to 561. This makes no sense to me page 528 gets cut off in mid-sentence, if this book was meant to do a flahback why would the page #'s change and then pick back up on pg 561 in a totally different mid-sentence. I have to go to B&N today and see if all these books do this or if I picked up a defective book and see if I can replace it. FUN! |
Are you aware that if we died tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family we left behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. We pour ourselves more into work than into our own family, an unwise investment indeed, don't you think? What is behind the story? Do you know what the word FAMILY means?
FAMILY = (F)ather (A)nd (M)other (I) (L)ove (Y)ou
Saturday, February 21
Busy Day
One guess where we went again today : ) We hung around home the first part of the day trying to clean up toys, then we went to Scottos and had a meatball sub, went bowling, they were having their galaxy bowl while we were there so Jimmy thought that was cool. I couldn't tell you what our actual scores were 'cause Jimmy kept bowling on my turn, but I can tell you after not having bowled for many years I did pretty good - 3-4 strikes (no turkeys) and 3 spares, AND JIMMY!!!! got himself 2 strikes and 2 spares YOU GO LIL BOY! He Loved bowling I think we're going to have to make this a regular thing : ).
The last time I bowled I used a 8 so I started with an 8 this time but I guess my fingers got fatter lol I tried an 11 that was too big I tried a 10 I think that one worked well for me, but I had already hurt my knuckles on the 8 before I switched so I probably could've bowled better if they didn't hurt. After bowling Jimmy wanted Ice Cream, then we drove out to B&N again, Jimmy asked to go to the bookstore again so I wasn't going to say no to that - he can read all the books he wants. Then after we went to Walmart I had to get another storage thing to keep his ever growing collection of toys in - and of course he got a new monster while we were there - a 2 headed purple dragon. My co-worker babysat for my boss tonight so we stopped to visit her for a while with dinner - Italian subs - yum!
The last time I bowled I used a 8 so I started with an 8 this time but I guess my fingers got fatter lol I tried an 11 that was too big I tried a 10 I think that one worked well for me, but I had already hurt my knuckles on the 8 before I switched so I probably could've bowled better if they didn't hurt. After bowling Jimmy wanted Ice Cream, then we drove out to B&N again, Jimmy asked to go to the bookstore again so I wasn't going to say no to that - he can read all the books he wants. Then after we went to Walmart I had to get another storage thing to keep his ever growing collection of toys in - and of course he got a new monster while we were there - a 2 headed purple dragon. My co-worker babysat for my boss tonight so we stopped to visit her for a while with dinner - Italian subs - yum!
Friday, February 20
I have to say, I love VH1 lately, the shows they are doing are great! funny and true. I love all the "I Love the (70's, 80's & the strikebacks)". The new show they're doing, I just watched, is The Best Week Ever, it goes over the week's entertainment and other stuff & the commentary is funny.
I believe MTV & VH1 (if they haven't officially merged) are definitely collaborating on shows, they've been hosting event/shows together. MTV is still good but I'm not really liking them much lately and its rare that you see any actually music videos anymore.
I believe MTV & VH1 (if they haven't officially merged) are definitely collaborating on shows, they've been hosting event/shows together. MTV is still good but I'm not really liking them much lately and its rare that you see any actually music videos anymore.
Spending time w/my kid
I started out the day, yucky and aggravated; everything was getting on my nerves at work today on top of me not feeling good - glad we get out early on Friday. After I ran some errands, picked up Jimmy from school, we went to B&N again (got some more books for Jimmy) : ) and relaxed with my boy as he munched on a BIG choc. chip cookie, apple juice and roamed the kids section (I'm glad he loves to "read" and loves his books) now I'm relaxed.
Thursday, February 19
Sickypoo : (
I'm feeling a lil queasy 'n sick today, I didn't go to work, I hate missing work but there was no way I was dragging myself out the door today.
Jimmy and I just stayed home reading books and watching movies.
So of the other books I bought at B&N yesterday: Everyone Poops, The Potty Book: For Boys (we're still working on potty training as you can see), Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and Pickles to Pittsburgh (the sequel to Meatballs) These are obviously for Jimmy, but ..Meatballs was one of my fav's when I was younger, I didn't know they did a sequel book to it.
And for me a little bit more challenging books : ) I bought a while ago The DiVinci Code (its a novel, hence fiction) about some theories in the Catholic religion. I have not had a chance to start it yet, but I've heard its an excellent book with a lot of controversy (and that it should be read w/a dictionary a lot of words are derived from the French language). Branching from this I bought The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and All the Women of the Bible. I need to reconnect with my religion again, I've forgotten a lot, but I thought I would expand my reading outside of the bible to other books and the extension on women in the church/bible history.
Jimmy and I just stayed home reading books and watching movies.
So of the other books I bought at B&N yesterday: Everyone Poops, The Potty Book: For Boys (we're still working on potty training as you can see), Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, and Pickles to Pittsburgh (the sequel to Meatballs) These are obviously for Jimmy, but ..Meatballs was one of my fav's when I was younger, I didn't know they did a sequel book to it.
And for me a little bit more challenging books : ) I bought a while ago The DiVinci Code (its a novel, hence fiction) about some theories in the Catholic religion. I have not had a chance to start it yet, but I've heard its an excellent book with a lot of controversy (and that it should be read w/a dictionary a lot of words are derived from the French language). Branching from this I bought The Gospel of Mary Magdalene and All the Women of the Bible. I need to reconnect with my religion again, I've forgotten a lot, but I thought I would expand my reading outside of the bible to other books and the extension on women in the church/bible history.
Wednesday, February 18
Weird NJ
Went to Barnes & Noble today and I found this really cool book called Weird NJ. 2 NJ guy's started back in 1990 by sending out a newsletter to family, that turned into a yearly mailing to whom they're family shared it with, to a self-published journal and into a magazine that is sold throught NJ also called Weird NJ. (I've never heard of this before I wish I had). I've just briefly flipped through this book and its very cool. I'm gonna have to see if I can find some of these places, they'd be awesome to photograph.
Saturday, February 14
V Day <3
As I have no life outside of work and my son(currently) : ) I am babysitting for my boss tonight.
I gave James a new game for V Day then we went to lunch today and to Target to buy some new movies we got Lion King 1 1/2, 102 Dalmations and The Aristocats, new ones and classics :)
Now I'm at my bosses house from 6-12am. He called me yesterday to ask if I could babysit cause his sister bailed on him so since I had James this weekend and won't be going out I said sure. He pays very well - he usually gives my co-worked a few hundred when she watches the kids - not like I can't use the money either. So we'll be watching kid movies, making cupcakes and VDay stuff for their parents tonight.
I gave James a new game for V Day then we went to lunch today and to Target to buy some new movies we got Lion King 1 1/2, 102 Dalmations and The Aristocats, new ones and classics :)
Now I'm at my bosses house from 6-12am. He called me yesterday to ask if I could babysit cause his sister bailed on him so since I had James this weekend and won't be going out I said sure. He pays very well - he usually gives my co-worked a few hundred when she watches the kids - not like I can't use the money either. So we'll be watching kid movies, making cupcakes and VDay stuff for their parents tonight.
Friday, February 13
Forgetting Vday
I wasn't aware that at Jimmy's school today they would be having a Valentine's Day party and it didn't dawn on me to buy valentine's and candy for his classmate (this is his first year in preschool) I felt bad when I picked him up and all the kids had bags full of stuff from everybody and there wasn't anything from James in their bags. So we went and picked some card and candy up and we'll have to drop it in everyone cubby on Monday - I'm sure they won't mind getting candy another day too :)
Thursday, February 12
Girls Perogative
I found this blog --> What I want in a Man (via by Redhead - I LOVE THIS - I think I'll make a list like this, maybe it'll help me really figure out what I want, I mean I know what I want, but sometimes things get "lost" in thought - find the guy I should be with - actually write down what you want - to make you think about it more in depth.
Anna part III is all you!!
Anna part III is all you!!
Sunday, February 8
Say Hola!
James came home around 5pm from his fathers this weekend. We cuddled and watched movies, he missed his mommy :), took his bath and read some books he fell asleep when we were reading "Say Hola in Spanish" he loves it and its a great book to introduce Spanish at a young age.
I recently signed him up for Spanish classes at his school through the Muzzy learning system, he'll have 3 - 20 min sessions each week starting this week so he'll have an easier time learning Spanish then I have since his brain's still in sponge mode :) We already have touched on it at home through videos and books so I wanted to extend it at school since they were now offering it.
I recently signed him up for Spanish classes at his school through the Muzzy learning system, he'll have 3 - 20 min sessions each week starting this week so he'll have an easier time learning Spanish then I have since his brain's still in sponge mode :) We already have touched on it at home through videos and books so I wanted to extend it at school since they were now offering it.
Saturday, February 7
Winter Blues
I got a pedicure today to cure my Winter Blues. Speaking of winter blues, I just heard the stupidest term: Seasonal Affective Disorder a.k.a. SAD, are they serious?? Why is it today "they" have to come up with these "technical terms" to describe or "diagnose" everything. Now people who are suffering from "Seasonal Affective Disorder" can get a prescription for it so they're not SAD anymore - give me a break.
Wednesday, February 4
Punk'd out Scooby!
Wednesday is our normal day off, but I went in to get some paperwork done, I was in from 9:30-3pm and I did get a lot done. I added another day to James' school schedule so now he'll go to pre-school 5 days a week. Now I'll have time to run errands, make appts. etc. He went to school today in his PJ's they had a pajama party today so he wore his Scooby Doo jammies and he thought that was just great! :)
I got my hair highlighted again this past Friday- Plum/Red, the last time I had it highlighted it was a Mahogany/Red. The color finally faded out a little bit so I don't look so "punk" anymore - it was pretty bright purple :)
I got my hair highlighted again this past Friday- Plum/Red, the last time I had it highlighted it was a Mahogany/Red. The color finally faded out a little bit so I don't look so "punk" anymore - it was pretty bright purple :)
Monday, February 2
About Me : )
A bit about me - Janine, I'm 26, Virgo, Jersey girl born n raised, Divorced/Single, I have a nearly 4 year old son who's awesome, I'm a dog person - I have 2 boxers.
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