Sunday, April 18

Jimmy's Hulk Party

Whew! I'm exhausted from his Birthday party yesterday.

Easter was the 11th this year and Jimmy's Birthday is the 12th so we had his party this weekend. I rented the clubhouse behind my condo and was in there at 9am bringing stuff over and setting up. I was supposed to have a few helpers but nobody showed up- nice, so I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off for 2 hrs trying to set up the room. Lisa and her boyfriend did help me by picking up the food and baloons I ordered, thank God because I never would have gotten everything set up if I had to do that.

Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Baked Ziti, Meatballs & Sausage, Italian subs. I got his cake from ShopRite and they decorated it in green and purple and did mounds of whipcream to look like rocks and had Hulk stuff all over it was really cute. Lisa dressed up as a clown names Smiley and had the kids play a little game then painted faces. and we had a Hulk pinata. Stuipd Lisa-Smiley the Clown broke it, doesn't she know the brithday kid is supposed to break it if all the kids gets through without breaking it.

It was a nice party though. Some of his cousins came, and school kids and other friends so he had a blast. And it was a nice day yesterday so they played outside for a while and got some energy out, not like they weren't running around crazy inside or anything like that ;)

I was very grateful for some help after the Party Bob and wife stayed to help clean up a bit. Thank you Lisa and boyfriend Danny and friend Eric, I was wiped out!

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