Sunday, March 7

My Mom

It'll be a year tomorrow since my Mom passed away. It's a weird feeling, I can't believe she's been gone a year?? It still doesn't seem real. Sometimes, I still expect to see her somewhere. In the beginning I felt a very strong presence of her around me, I don't feel it in the same way now but shes in my thoughts constantly. This year has been very difficult they say the first year is the hardest because you have to get through all the birthdays and holidays without them and it was, all the day's felt empty.

I lived my life normally this past year and indulged in a large and small vacations. Yes it was stressful taking care of my mother while she was sick, but most importantly, as we are all aware but I saw first hand, life is short and you never know what is in store for you. While I will always work hard I will never forget to play hard, do what I want to do, and not let people make you feel guilty for "living" and taking those vacations.

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