Thursday, March 11

Book Signing

On one of my trips to B&N I picked up their events flyer and the following caught my interest "Meredith Gould, Ph.D., The Catholic Home: Traditions and Celebrations. The beauty and mystery of Catholic tradition has inspired the faithful for centuries. Meredith Gould guides us to fully understand, honor and celebrate this heritage. Her joy, impeccable research and unique sense of humor will inspire you. Visit her website at"

So since I want to start doing some new things for fun and my own interests/education I went tonight to "Meet the Author" and listen. It was very interesting to find out that she converted to Catholicism from Judaism. Very interesting perspective and it obvious that she loves this religion. I think the converts cherish their religion more then those of us who are born into it, "Cradle Catholics" as shes calls it, and continue within the religion which we were brought up with, then those who chose to change to follow another.

After the discussion I did buy her book (had her sign it since I was there) since I do want to re-connect with the Church and give my son his religion at home. I also picked up one of her other books Deliberate Acts of Kindness as I would like to do some kind of volunteering and this will give me some ideas.

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