Friday, April 30


Chopper is doing fine. She went into surgery 6:30 this morning it was 2 1/2 hours, they removed her 3 1/2 lbs infected uterus/mass, a healthy uterus should weigh about 1 1/2 lbs. She'll be staying over night again on IV and Heavy Sedation, she should be able to come home tomorrow morning. I was so nervous she wouldn't make it through the surgery since she was so skinny and dehydrated and 10 1/2 yrs old but she's doing well.

I didn't sleep well last night, and neither did Jaws. Jaws was restless all night and crying, she missed her sister.

Thursday, April 29

Choppers sick

I have two boxers, Chopper who is 10 1/2 and Jaws who is 9 (around 9 is the end of a boxers life span typically). The past week and a half Chopper has dropped too much weight. She has been eating barely anything at all and for the past few days nothing. She drinks like a camel as if there will never be any water ever again and then throws it right back up. I have tried putting chicken and beef broth on her food which only works a little, in the past she would have devoured the entire bowl of food that was soaked with people food. So shes not eating, dropped a ton of weight, drinking and eating her pee and poop and had the shivers. All this while Jaws is fine. I got her in the the vet today, she has a huge cyst in her uterus.

If female dogs are not spayed before their first menstruation there is a risk of them developing cysts in their uterus and this risk gets higher with every passing menstruation. My vet has given me this info and told me about this possibility in the past, I have some guilt over this situation as it could have been prevented-somewhat, she would have had to still have surgery to spay her, but she wouldn't have gotten so sick first. I couldn't afford it then, and now, I still can't afford it. I don't know how I'm going to pay for this, I'm maxed out on credit cards and there's no extra cash right now. What are my options, put her to sleep or give her the surgery and hope they will let me pay in payments??

I opted for surgery of course, how could I possible put a dog to sleep on purpose when something is curable, shes my baby a part of my family. I cried so much today I have a migraine and my eyes hurt. She's at the vet's over night on an IV and will have surgery in the morning. I have an excellent vet and I have very high hopes that Chopper will come through this ok. There is of course the chance of problems, but the cyst has not burst so that alone increases the chances of a good outcome. Surgery starts around 7:30-8 tomorrow and they'll call me around 10am. I'm a nervous wreck, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Saturday, April 24

Luv my Grams!

I ran around like a crazy person today. I've been needing to buy a ottoman from my Grandma and have been forgetting. I checked online at a store I've purchased from before to see if they had a nice comfey one, neutral and on casters for easy moving (Gram's 92yrs old), I found it, called the store to see if they had it in the showroom and if I could buy & take it home today without having to wait on a delivery. I couldn't buy the floor model but they checked their warehouse to see if they had it in stock so I could just pick it up, they had it so I had to drive to E. Brunswick to order and pay for it then had to drive all the way back to Robbinsville where the warehouse is to pick it up. What a pain in the ass, the warehouse was poorly labeled I passed it 4 times by the time I pulled in it was 2:30 and they close at 3pm so I was happy I was actually able to get it before they closed :)

Gram was surprised when I strolled up to her house lugging this big bag, I should've pushed it on its wheels but I didn't want it to get dirty and then go in her house. Now, I called Grandma on Thursday asked her how she was doing and if she needed me to go food shopping for her, she says "Oh no, I'm fine, I have enough", I get there today open the fridge to get some water, the fridge is empty. So I check out the rest of her cabinets and theres pretty much nothing. So I went food shopping for her, its easier for me to just go by myself then with her because she'll only buy $60 in groceries, where I bought $160 so she doesn't run out of food in 3 days LOL! But I HATE food shopping over there, too many senior citizens in the store and parking lot! Crazy - some people should just give up driving at a certain point!!!! :))

Friday, April 23

Jimmy's doing AWESOME in swimming class!! and his class won the pizza party - thanks to my last donation of $45! : ) I'm not sure if the center raised over $700 or not, we'll see if they get ice cream too ???

Thursday, April 22

At James' school this week they're celebrating the week of the young child, whatever that is I've never heard of it before maybe its something they made up. This month they've also been raising money for the March of Dimes which ever classes raises the most gets a pizza party and if the whole center raises $700 everybody gets a pizza party and the class with the most $$ also gets ice cream - we'll see who wins. But the kids did all kinds of fun stuff, activities, crafts, movie day, and PJ day. Today they had a family picnic/bbq from 6-7:30 for everybody to attend. It was nice, James thought it was great to have mommy there eating w/him and all his friends and to play afterwards.

I feel a bit out of place at these things probably because I'm younger then most parents. I still feel like a kid and I look around and I see all these "older" people, not like they're that much older some are in their late 30's and up. So I chatted casually for a few minutes with some parents and then just stood around and followed Jimmy while he played - what the hell else am I gonna do ??

Wednesday, April 21

Senior Moment

Oh my God old age must be hitting me early! I have been looking for a very important piece of paper, that I just picked up today, for over an hour already. I came in with a ton of stuff and put it all down in one spot. After we ate I went to get it to review and freaked out when it wasn't there. I've been searching over and over the only places I've been since I've been in the house, looked inbetween James' new books we got at the book fair at his school today, I even went out and searched my car 4 times. I took a break and got on the computer to cool down before my head exploded and read email, when James asked me for a drink, so I went to the fridge and low and behold the damn paper was sitting on the shelf in the fridge!!!!! I must've put it there when I was pulling out our dinner.

Well I guess when your distracted by the phone ringing, 2 dogs underfoot and a 4 year old who's always talking, stupid things happen. But then again, forgetfulness runs in my family : )


Jimmy's starting a soccer class today 10:30-11:30 it's on Wed.'s 4/21-5/26 so it works out great for me cause that's my day off so I was actually able to sign him up and take him. Its not a team where they play games, it teaches the skills of soccer but of course they'll play games w/each other. I'm probably gonna sign him up for soccer in the fall so I figured I'd put him in this to give him a chance to learn some stuff and see if he actually likes it. I'm sure he'll love hes constantly kicking the ball around.

Sunday, April 18

Jimmy's Hulk Party

Whew! I'm exhausted from his Birthday party yesterday.

Easter was the 11th this year and Jimmy's Birthday is the 12th so we had his party this weekend. I rented the clubhouse behind my condo and was in there at 9am bringing stuff over and setting up. I was supposed to have a few helpers but nobody showed up- nice, so I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off for 2 hrs trying to set up the room. Lisa and her boyfriend did help me by picking up the food and baloons I ordered, thank God because I never would have gotten everything set up if I had to do that.

Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. Baked Ziti, Meatballs & Sausage, Italian subs. I got his cake from ShopRite and they decorated it in green and purple and did mounds of whipcream to look like rocks and had Hulk stuff all over it was really cute. Lisa dressed up as a clown names Smiley and had the kids play a little game then painted faces. and we had a Hulk pinata. Stuipd Lisa-Smiley the Clown broke it, doesn't she know the brithday kid is supposed to break it if all the kids gets through without breaking it.

It was a nice party though. Some of his cousins came, and school kids and other friends so he had a blast. And it was a nice day yesterday so they played outside for a while and got some energy out, not like they weren't running around crazy inside or anything like that ;)

I was very grateful for some help after the Party Bob and wife stayed to help clean up a bit. Thank you Lisa and boyfriend Danny and friend Eric, I was wiped out!

Monday, April 12

Happy 4th Birthday James!

My baby turned 4 today I can't beleive hes 4 !!!!
I brought cupcakes into school for him today so they had a mini party for him there, he though that was great :)

Sunday, April 11

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone! :)
I cooked dinner at my dads house today, we do dinner at 1pm so I was up at 8am preparing. Nothing fancy though, Ham, Carrots and Mashed Potatoes. Me, Lisa, Jimmy, Dad and both the Grandma's. We had cake for Jimmy's birthday which is tommorow, hes gonna be 4
Jimmy's now at Bob's for their Easter.
I'm wiped out-think I'm gonna take a nap or somthing. Back to the grind tommorow.

Wednesday, April 7

Warm Fuzzzy

Jimmy came to work with me today and yesterday, I love bringing him to work with me. I get to spend some mommy time with him while "at the office" and he loves coming with me. I guess the fact that there's a toy box (he thinks is just for him) and tv to watch cartoons on helps. It cute though he'll sit at the other computer and "paint", lay on the floor near me coloring or playing, not to mention being my lil' delivery boy and bring stuff to Dr. Stern's office or put things away for me :). I'm going to send him back to school for the rest of the week though. While I love having him with me he needs to stay on the school's schedule and be there for his Spanish Classes.

I'm not ready for Easter this year. I'm just not in the mood. Having Easter last year was easier then this one I guess because I was still numb from Mom's passing. Thanksgiving and Christmas this year I wasn't thrilled about either.