Saturday, May 29

If it's not one, it's the other

Every once in a while the dogs get a little limpy to them. Sometimes its from laying the wrong way for too and becoming stiff, somtimes its a little arthritis.

On Thursday I noticed Jawsy with a little limp, it didn't look to bad so I didn't think much of it. She still had it the next day but still not bad. When I got home from work on friday she didn't come to greet me and when I went to see here she didn't get up she barely moved and barely moved from that spot the rest of the night I think she moved only once. When I woke up this morning I found her in a different spot by lying in her own pee because shw couldn't get up. I tried to prompt her up, she sat and took a few steps but I could see she was really wobbly in her hind legs.

My vet's office was closed, so I called a vet nearby where Bob's daughter Sarah and neice Kim happen to work they were able to sqeeze her in today. I had to carry her to and from the car, I was hoping it wasn't hip dysplasia because there's nothing you can do for it. Turns out she has really bad arthritis in her knees and hip joints but its not hip dysplasia. So they gave her a shot of pain med, and some pain meds for home as well as antibiotic. Hopefully she'll get better otherwise she may have to have some xrays done to check out whats going on. SIGH!

Saturday, May 22

10 YEARS ????

Last night I went out with Lisa and DeAnna. First we went to a resturant/bar that Lisa wanted to go to. It was pretty empty only a few people in there Lisa knew them but we were bored, so we made Lisa leave and go to CitiStreets with us because they had a band playing. I am so glad we went, the band was good, but the best was that I ran into a bunch of friends from high school. My friend Mark who I do see every once in a while was there with his fiancee, another friend Dustin - he's engaged also and dropped a lot of weight since HS, and another friend Rich who's now a doctor/chriporactor, I barely recoginzed him, he's pumped up a lot. I saw a few other people, but they're around a lot. But Richie was diggin DeAnna and vice/versa so I gotta hook my friends up now :) hehehe

WHERES MY HOOK UP!?!?!?!?!?!

This reminded me, I've been out of high school nearly 10 years now, 1995, I guess I have a reunion coming up soon - yikes!

Monday, May 3


The normal healthy weight of the dogs uterus should me 2-3 OUNCES! not pounds and Chopper's was 3 - 3 1/2 POUNDS!!

And you Jimmy has told me every days since Chopper's been home how happy he is she's home and he wants his puppy with him. He's so gentle and easy with her always giving her light hungs and kisses saying awwww choppy get better. And Jaws did her happy bounce when Choppy came home on Saturday.

It already looks like shes gained some weight back : )

Oh and did I mention I had to shell out some bucks lately?? Yeah well on top of all that I find out today the my PAYCHECK bounced - I'm just thrilled to see what kind of bank fees I get form that, my boss IS going to cover any fees that are incurred that the bank won't waive.

Sunday, May 2

Choppys Home !!

Chopper came home today. The vet's office was supposed to call me this morning to let me know that status if she could come home or not. I expected to get a call between 9-10, but I didn't. Around 11 I called them, they said yeah shes ready to go, so I ran to pick up my baby. I may complain about the dogs sometimes about the messes they make or because they're always underfoot, but they're my babies just like Jimmy is.

It cost $724 about $100 less then they quoted me - still like I have that kind of money lying around? They took a picture of what they took out, can we say GROSS! A dogs uterus resembles intestines (long & round) because they hold litters; it was much thicker in diameter then it was supposed to be, and was rounded or U shaped - I'm not sure if that's normal or not. On top of the extra thickness the cyst filled the entire center of the circle. I feel so bad for Chopper, that must have been causing her so much pain and for how long???

She hasn't eaten much yet, a little but not a lot, but she is drinking her water and of course sleeping a lot with the anesthia still in her system. I got her outside today to get some fresh air, and it actually gave her a jolt of wind/friskiness so a little of a faster step. She'll have to go back to the vet on Tuesday for a post-op check since her incision was so large. Now, Chopper and Jaws both actually love their vet, but I'm sure she will be none too happy about stepping foot back into that office after this, we'll see : )